Title: Excelsior: A Sequence (1/3)
nebroadweRating: K+/PG
Verse: Transformers Prime
Warnings: None.
Character(s): Smokescreen, Optimus Prime, Arcee
Pairing(s): None
Word Count: 1100 (this installment; 2300 total)
Summary: Smokescreen, from rookie to veteran. (This sequence was written for the
30 Days of Writing: A Drabble a Day challenge on Tumblr and will include a great deal of pre- and post-series headcanon that is not altogether compliant with the larger Aligned continuity.)
Finally, Smokescreen gets it.
He sees at last what everything was for: the endless drills, the studying, even the stint in stasis. Destiny was preparing him for this post, to stand shoulder to shoulder with Optimus Prime - the Optimus Prime! - against the enemy. (Sort of. That is, if Optimus weren't hanging from a gantry overhead right now.)