Giants of the Earth, Chapter 14 Author: hopeofdawn and fractalserpent
Rating: PG-13
Verse: Bayverse/movieverse
Characters/Pairing: this chapter--Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Skyfire, the Giant, Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Acid Storm and other ensemble characters.
Warnings/Notes:Takes place after DOTM, with minor tweaks to movieverse events/characters (so there are minor spoilers for the third movie). Most of the characterizations will be taken more from G1--especially Optimus, who is *not* the 'kill 'em all, let Primus sort 'em out' character he is in the movies. Most of the onscreen 'deaths' of Decepticons and Autobots have also fallen victim to authorial override--see the fic for details. :) No specific warnings this chapter, except for Starscream being Starscream.
Fractalserpent has also officially joined me as a coauthor on this fic! And White Aster, as always, was an insightful and awesome beta, who smoothed out quite a few rough spots I'd missed entirely. :)
Starscream never hesitated, rocketing towards the bigger mech. //You dare come *here*, Skyfire?// he shouted over an open channel, uncaring of who else might hear. //I'll tear your wings off and see you entombed in this planet’s seas before I allow your exhaust anywhere near my sky, you traitorous wretch!// Cross-posted to