Are you in a committed, monogamous relationship? Are you or is your
partner transgender?
I am looking for individuals who are interested in completing a 20-30
minute on-line survey and joining me for a 1-2 hour on-line focus
group on the social, psychological and economic challenges related to
your or your partner's gender transition. If you and/or your partner
would like to participate in this research sponsored by Western
Michigan University and share your experiences of being in a
relationship, please visit the appropriate link below to complete the
and find out more about joining our focus group.
Transgender Individuals: or
Significant Others: The focus group will be conducted
on July 30th at 7:00 p.m.
**You do not need to be a member of TransGender Michigan to
Please feel free to email me (Emily Lenning) at or call 269-324-1114
if you have any questions or need additional information.
Emily Lenning
Department of Sociology
Western Michigan University
1201 Oliver St.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008