I swear I've seen at least 30 Thor/Loki fanfics that refer to Loki in such terms as "delicate", "fragile", "tiny", etc. Can we stop with this bullshit, please? Tom Hiddleston is 6'1 and probably weighs between 200-250 lbs. The only person he looks small in comparison to is Chris Hemsworth, and that's only because Hemsworth is roughly the size of a mack truck. And even then, Hemsworth does not tower over him. He's maaaaaybe an inch taller, if that.
For real-real. I know fandom has this whole thing about BIG MANLY MEN paired with tiny fragile ukes, but Loki and Thor really don't fit that dynamic, at all.
This cast photo nicely illustrates that there is essentially no height difference between the two guys (also, Natalie Portman is so teeny that she could live in Chris or Tom's pocket and they just could slip her an M&M once in a while).
Maybe Loki is tiny in comparison to other Frost Giants, but by Asgardian standards he's at least average, if not above average.