We are having ourselves a camping weekend in Skagit County.
Jamie's family has agreed to let us use their property out in the boondocks to use as we see fit for the weekend of July 13,14 & 15.
Details will be forthcoming but bring a tent, food and booze of choice. Assuming we have the same set up as June Faire,
dethjester will volunteer to be camp cook again. There is a small cabin, and we will be camping near a river swimming hole.
If you can read this, you are invited. Get a hold of
dethjester, Jamie, Jacqui or me in the near future for further details. At the very least they can get you in contact with the ones of us who do know!
Since I have no confirmations as yet, this is speculation but Cajun and Amanda should be joining us for Amanda's b-day. And its also the Red Head of Doom's b-day weekend as well? Since the Merc is non smoking that Saturday, we hope to have a good turnout. Additionally is the Skagit highland games that weekend.