I've been so excited about moving to Melbourne, and I still am. When I was in Melbs in November and February the world was whispering to me 'now, now... the time is now'. And I listened. And I made plans.
And now I'm changing my plans.
I'd already realised that I needed to delay my move to earn some money, replace our hot water system and also replace my laptop (not to mention save). But about the same time as I was having that realisation... I connected with Ral and Fox.
Casual sexy fun and sharing of happiness has become an acknowledged dating relationship... I somehow inexplicably have new boyfriends and get to be a girlfriend. I can't quite get over that - it's so unexpected, and completely delightful.
And as it so happens... this arrangement is so much of what I've been seeking and hoping for in a new relationship for a few years now (at least 3-4, and more if I am super honest). There is so much time and availability on offer, so much touch and snuggling, lots of shared cuteness and schmoopy shared moments. So very different from any of my other partnerships and as a result, enriches the whole magnificent galaxy of relationships I have.
Part of my reasoning for moving to Melbourne was in the hope of finding better relationship balance, getting more of what I needed - more touch and cuddles, more sexuality and exploration and more availability with spending time in person. These were really good reasons - they still are.
I'm still really looking forward to building and nurturing my Victorian relationships, that's still really important to me and is a key reason why I still want to move to Melbourne. But I'm not moving immediately.
I'm choosing to wait because it doesn't make sense or feel right to run away from this wonderful new trio dynamic so soon after finding it. I want to enjoy it and nurture it and see what is possible. I can feel so much potential and exploring that, giving it space and time is important to me.
Currently I plan to revisit the decision in September ish. I still want to move and a Melbourne move for the boys is possible too, but in the mean time... I have what I've wanted after so long, right here in Perth. So for the time being... I'm going to stay.
I estimate that I'm still likely to get to Melbourne to live sometime over the next twelve months. We shall see :)
Being in the giddy and fluffy stage of a new relationship is just the best, I love this part and am revelling in the shared experience of delight between the three of us, and also with my other partners who are appreciating my new-found happiness and contentment.
I also spoke about it with my Mum yesterday and she's similarly happy for me. She's so supportive and lovely about anyone significant to me that I mention. She doesn't understand my being poly, she doesn't really get it, but she is content to simply love me as best she can and be supportive of what makes me happy. This includes being wonderful to any partners she meets etc... I'm so grateful and appreciative that even though there are thus far no other queer people in my family, that my Mum makes an awesome parent to a queer person :)
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