* Coffee!
* Budgeting
* Lunch
* Sent more postcards
* Meditation
* Repainted my nails
* Family dinner
* Played cards, lost 3 hands, 1 one, 1 middle ground. (Presidents and Assholes)
* Bought health insurance
* Established that my headphones should be fixed/replaced under warranty (yay Sennheiser support people), now to go into JB and organise it.
In other news, I slept through the night, a neat trick as lately puppy has developed a 3am territorial barking fest requirement. o_O Hopefully this sleeping through trend lasts.
Today's to-do list:
* Coffee (check)
* Mapping session
* Lunch
* Send postcards (old fashioned social networking systems for the win)
* Wish Happy Birthdays to people
* Go to workshop tonight on 'Promiscuity, Pornography and the Penis' run by my friend
* Find something resembling dinner
* Try and get to JB HiFi so I can sort my headphones out
* Try and go past Lush
* Transfer money to people.
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