* Stressed and exhausted.
* Uni assignment, that I might just have gotten my head around talking with K tonight. *prays*
* Dinner with K tonight, amusing and love filled - we talked about him backpacking with me, and both made it to about 10 seconds before we burst into laughter. He conceded that he was akin to a 'precious flower' regarding backpacking :P
* Love is K watching 'Ugly Betty' with me.
* Love is me buying brazil nut chocolate on a hunch that K would really like it - he did!
* Love is kittens, and melty looks of love and memories.
* New Anne Bishop book - joy!
* Work... urgh. I understand I'm creating the unhappiness, but can I get off it and let go of it? Apparently not. *head desk. rinse. repeat*
* For some reason, I'm still in my phase of wanting to be Amanda Palmer when I grow up. Odd.
* Salma Hayek is... just like the other mothers I know and revere.
* I joined twitter, and am a little bit fascinated with it.
* GoH dinner email will be out in the morning.
* Swancon is awesome, and I cannot wait!
* Have hit moments of countdown for visiting Melbourne again... this time everything feels completely different - in a really good way.
* Was laughing at myself last night at 2am... I'm involved with 3 people, one of which comes with a bonus
aescapulius, and I spend half my nights sprawled across my bed alone :P This is not a bad thing - I'm just really amused by it for some reason.
* Time to say goodnight to the universe and let the breeze whisper lullabies across my skin.