1. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
I'm going to yoink my answer to
angriest's similar question:
I'd be a travelling speaker. I'd speak, and inspire and connect people. I'd create something that lasted in them, something that allowed them to 'get' something that they'd always kind of wondered about, or could perceive but not reach. I believe that a focus of 'love' is inherent with how I'd achieve this.
2. If you could have a one night stand with any one member of the crew of Serenity, who would you pick?
If it was the character and not the person: Kaylee.
3. If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?
What they say about it getting better - I promise it really does.
4. Best Swancon you ever attended?
I don't think I have a favourite yet? Short list: 2004, 2005, 2007.
5. What is your favourite fantasy (novel or series - why, what did you think I meant?)
Currently it's a toss up between:
Anne Bishop's Black Jewels books and Kelly McCullough's Ravirn books.
That said, the Patricia Briggs Mercy books are up there. So are the Nightrunner books by Lyn Flewelling, The Change series by Sean Williams, the Kushiel and Imriel books by Jacqueline Carey, I also still can't go past either the Anita Blakes and Merry books, no matter how trashy.
It does change, but the first two are two clear loves that I can't choose between.