Well not necessarily.
But I'm less pissed off in that it doesn't hang like a miasma around me. Even K was concilatory and wary of my mood last night when I read the emails that provoked said mood.
This morning things are better because:
- I slept
- I sent the email slightly tweaked
- I don't feel constrained by my own good behaviour or others' bad behaviour
- It's Friday which means the company of my favourite people tonight.
- I have time to watch songvids from
cupidsbow this weekend!
- I am being productive, though not quite so much as I should be.
Really the reason I was pissed off is that when you spend a few months doing a huge amount of work, make a concentrated effort to do the best job possible, it really does get tired, old and offensive when people casually dismiss the effort involved, the work and skills required as not being worth recognition, and if not that, then commenting one of the few other things that is largely overlooked, undervalued and goes by the wayside as far as recognition and appreciation go.
Also, my impression of 3/4 of the people who are making regular references in this direction? Do very little of the actual work they're so dismissing.
My aim today, is to find a quote for hair that costs less than $180! Because omg! *dies* I need to do this, and spend money on it - as I'm soon to be a bridesmaid and being that I'll be part of the permanent record of people I love's special day, I actually need to do something with the mop of washed out colour that is my hair. But given I've just started earning again after 4 months of job hunting? Between the outfit, my hair and my half of my room cost for Swancon (which given how busy it looks that I will be, is not a luxury but will be a necessity!) So if anyone knows where I can get my hair done, that is reliable and trustworthy for less than $180 I WANT TO KNOW!