Nov 09, 2006 10:44
So much has been going on lately w/ elections, global warming (which is very evident in the mid-90s temps in Cali), and people.
First, I cannot believe that John Yarmouth, founder of the newsweekly "Louisville Eccentric Observer" is KYs new Congressman!!! AHHHH!!! LEO is about as left-wing as it gets in the media...drastically contrasting from just about every other publication in louisville. And to think I had given up on Kentucky in the political sphere! HOLY SHIT!
That is amazing. It is also FUCKING AMAZING that Richard Pombo, who has a 0% record of voting pro-environment here in Cali GOT BOOTED OUT! FUCK YEAH! Schwarzenneger is still in, defeating the self-proclaimed "Greenest thing ever" Angelides, but he will vote pro-eco for me, so it's...ok...I guess. I just want my universal health care so I can heal the earth AND myself!
What else, Dems took over OHIO (w/ all the evangelists banning gay marriage and then gay prostitutes stepping up and saying, "yeah, he paid for my services"...HA!), Indiana, Michigan, and others. The REAL south is still pretty steadily ignorant, but that's thanks to Bush's No Child Left Behind initiative!!! DAH! However, awareness is beginning to poke into the south, even fucking getting neutral "hands off" Kentucky. Gods, I really can not believe it.
Other things, like the environment, were not directly addressed in the public eye on election day. Here in CA, Prop 87, which would tax oil companies to drill off the coast (which is already law in Louisiana, Alaska, and even TEXAS) and put the revenues toward developing renewable energy sources...did not pass. I thought for sure it would, but idiots are like, "Oh, wah, my taxes will increase...I'll have to pay more to pollute!" Both of which are not true of citizens, only the few oil barons among us. Anyhow, the lamenting is already over in the environmental community, as we are back in the field educating, advocating, lobbying, and developing renewable energy sources off of our own sweat and blood!
Yes, with that, I must bike my little ass to work. More updates to come.