Apr 13, 2005 06:33
so i applied for a job at UPS (loading trucks early morning). i went to my interview this morning at 5:00am. it went really well. i got the job, but they don't want me to start until after i get back from california in may. it was great. the woman asked me "you are so smart, are you sure you want to work here?" hehe... that's awesome. and she said i was an interesting person and it was nice meeting me. :-)
so, we'll see what happens. i applied to a few other jobs (in a library), but haven't heard anything from them yet.
man, i have a headache. been cutting down a lot on my clove and weed smoking.
ok, i think i'll take a nap. so i can wake up later and finish helping my dad rake the yard. fun times. :-)