Hi, everyone. I'm a partner of a trans woman, and for the past year I've been working on a sexual assault awareness project. It will take the form of a lyric essay comprised of two voices: one an individual voice that critiques rape myths and victim-blaming, and the other a collective voice made up of excerpts from survivors' experiences. So far, I've had few responses from trans or otherwise gender-variant people-only 15 total, four of whom were FTM-spectrum, eleven of whom were genderqueer. I have had zero responses from anyone on the MTF spectrum. This worries me, because I know these things happen. I hope this only means that I haven't advertised enough in trans communities!
My aim is to represent a wide variety of different experiences with sexual assault, and I think it's very important to include trans perspectives, so I would strongly encourage any of you who have been sexually assaulted to participate! You do not have to be trans; anyone is welcome.
Be warned, however, that this survey is long and detailed, and very triggering. Please be mindful of your mental/emotional well-being, and by all means stop if you feel you need to! It'd be best if you take it in a private place where you won't be disturbed, when you have an hour or two of spare time. You don't have to answer every question, and you can share as much or as little as you want to. The survey and all excerpts from it are anonymous (and you have the choice to specify what pseudonym/name you want to go by), and if you don't want to be quoted directly (or indirectly), just let me know and I won't.
Also, I'd like to note a few things that apply to trans people: the first question asks for sex and gender combination. This question is primarily geared towards physical sex, rather than articulating any specific gender identity, because the physical is central to understanding this kind of experience, so please be sure to tick both your sex and your gender category. I have to make generalizations for statistical purposes, so I am only asking for what broad category of trans-ness you feel you fit best in for that question. Please elaborate in your answer to the open-ended question at the bottom of the page, which specifically addresses hate crimes and other special circumstances related to the assault. (Originally, that question was not included since this project was much smaller in scope, so if you have taken the survey before, I've created a second copy of the survey where you can answer that question without messing up the statistics.) Here, I'd like to know more details about what happened with regard to gender identity-how you were presenting at the time, how your perpetrator treated you, how this impacted your feelings about gender and sex, your ability to cope, etc. Whatever you are willing to share.
You can find more info and a link to the survey
here. This survey will stay up indefinitely, as it will take at least a few years for the project to be completed.
Please feel free to pass on the link to anyone-just please don't link the survey directly since there is more than one link!