oh look, a lone wolf.

Sep 19, 2011 08:24

Hi everyone! This is Sabi aka Rapunzel-mun. I dropped Rapunzel due to my inability to maintain her voice. HOWEVER, I am happy to bring in another that will hopefully fit in much better with the setting!

Say hi to Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII. He'll be arriving riiiiight after Advent Children/Dirge of Cerberus! Can't wait to throw him in during podpop because that is going to be one interesting introduction. Aw yis. I will have everything set up on his journal soon when I am not lazy.

For now, you're welcome to hit me up on AIM (heartrebelling) for any plotting! You can also reach me/add my plurk located here if that's easier!

Okay I think that's it. Hi guys hi.


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