Plot Signup!

Apr 15, 2011 22:22


What it is: The short version is that its a massive space battle between the crew and the Ohm, with the purpose being to drive the Ohm off. It'll be very action heavy and story-lite (It's less a plot, and more an explosion filled event), and there'll be plenty of room for freedom and creativity.

Where it'll be: The whole thing will take place in the vacuum of space.

Who its for: Primarily its for Starfighter Command, and to a lesser extent, people who can Breathe In Space (though be advised that the smallest enemy you'll face is about 4x larger than a normal human). Stacy, and crew members who remain on board, won't be involved in the plot at all once the Quarter is launched. The reasons why will be explained at the start of the prologue.

When it'll be: [EDIT] The prologue will start tomorrow (4/16), and from there, the characters will have "a few days" game time (roughly a week, real-time) to prepare for the battle. The actual battle won't kick off until next weekend probably, that's expected to run for about a week.

Why: Because blowing things up in space is cool.

Hey, what about that Node thing?: That part is basically locked up, and anyone involved already knows their part. If there's a last minute opening, I'll let you guys know, but otherwise, don't worry about it. I'll listen to ideas, but I do want to keep this as simple, straight forward, and uncomplicated as possible. It's not that big of a deal.

My character has their own ship/mech/armor, is that okay?: That's fine, as long as it can operate in space. They'll just be shoved onto one of the squads.

My character is morally opposed to killing: That's all well and good. But the Ohm won't stop until they're dead, or you are.

But my character isn't a pilot: That's fine, but the whole thing takes place in space. If you have a ground based character or need an atmosphere to fly around and fight in, this plot isn't for them. There is neither ground to stand on, nor any air to breathe. You basically have three options. You can a) Have your character learn to pilot a variable fighter or mobile suit; b) have them be a support staff on the Quarter (though they won't get to do much of anything action or fight-wise); or c) remain on Stacy and do something else.

Can they learn to fly an X-Wing? Sure they can. But Rogue Squadron is already significantly larger than Blade Squadron (Mobile suits) and Skull Squadron (Variable Fighters). I'd rather try to even things out some, but its still your choice in the end.

Will there be injuries?: More than likely, especially if your character is a novice pilot. That's not mandatory, by any means, but if this is their first space battle, I do ask that you at least be open to the idea of them and their ship not coming back unscathed. Same goes for seasoned pilots, but to a lesser extent.

What about deaths?: That's up to you, though please run that by the mods before offing your character.

Uh, my character is in Melting Clock plot...: Okay... uh... we're gonna have to figure that one out. Stay tuned for updates.

I have this really cool idea for a thing I want to do during this thing!: Awesome! I'm listening.

So where do I sign up? Just comment below. Please include whether your character will be piloting a Mobile Suit, Variable Fighter, X-Wing, Other, or will be hanging out on The Quarter

!plot, !plot organization, -plot posts, starfighter command, rogue squadron

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