Jan 29, 2010 10:12
Hello again, fellow meatshipmates! Mindy Cheeta here, and I love you guys so much that I'm already introducing a third character (and the first canon I've written for in almost six years o_______o ).
So I bring you the one and only Guybrush Threepwood, protagonist of the Monkey Island series and a Mighty Pirate™! He might be a little shaken since I grabbed him near the end of the most recent game, but rest assured, his sharp wit and annoying flamboyance will return soon after he gets acquainted.
Cremembers beware; you'd better start nailing your personal items down from now on.
P.S. - Haven't been so active lately, partially because of makeup work and opera rehersals, but mostly because of an exploded Muse. Aeneas and Dustin should be back in full swing by podpop, along with Guybrush.