A Midsummer Night's Press
is publishing FORTUNE'S LOVER: A BOOK OF TAROT POEMS by Rachel Pollack in May, 2009. Rachel is the award-winning author of many books, such as THE BODY OF THE GODDESS, 78 DEGREES OF WISDOM, TEMPORARY AGENCY, GODMOTHER NIGHT, etc. as well as creator of THE SHINING TRIBE TAROT.
While the book is not specifically about trans magic, although it does include a long poem about Teirisias, it is written from and inspired from her perspective.
We have in hand some advance copies, which available direct from the website while the book is shipping to the distributor and won't be available through other channels for a while yet. We're offering free shipping in the US for pre-orders until May.
I'd also very much recommended Rachel's novels UNQUENCHABLE FIRE And TEMPORARY AGENCY, which are sadly out of print but very worth tracking down.