(no subject)

Mar 27, 2007 14:26


I thought that'd get it. ;)

THERE'S BIG CHANGES COMING YOUR WAY TO trans-lantic! Both in appearance as well as how we'll continue playing.

One of the first things you'll probably notice is the reworking of the game's userinfo. There's some interesting new game information in the introduction you might want to go and look. It gives the game a completely different mood than what it started with.

Another thing is something I need some real help with. I'm horrible at coding, so if someone who's gifted in that area could help me out, I'd be very appreciative. I need to make copy/pasting applications easier for players. This would help them as they'd be able to just use ctl+a, and it would also be easier on myself and 'Card so they'll actually use the < b > commands rather than me trying to find where one piece of information stops and the next starts.

So if anyone can help with that, PLEASE CONTACT ME. ♥

This has been taken care of.


Applications will re-open on April 1st. I didn't realize a lot of people were interested in applying until after I closed them. But, I'm waiting for the new playing system to kick in before I let in new characters/members. JUST A FEW MORE DAYS T__T ♥

I've gotten a lot of questions from new players or people looking over the community, and a lot of them seem confused as to how we use the journals. I realize now that, not only do I need to clarify this, but I also need to make it easier for players as well.

As of March 31, characters will no longer be posting entries in their personal journals.

All in character posts will be posted in the trans-lantic community with the character's name in the tags. It makes more sense, and it's a lot easier to keep up with than constantly having to update friends lists and the like. All characters that have joined trans-lantic will have posting abilities for the main community THEN. So please, don't try to post in here now. DX

PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND FROM NOW ON. Entries characters have made up until now don't have to be deleted, but after March 31, you can use their personal journal entries for plotting, logs, what have you.

You can friend the community with your personal journal, the ooc community with it, whatever you like. Just make sure you keep an eye out.

Also, all mod posts will now be made using trans-mods, so make sure you keep an eye out.

I know for a lot of new players, I promised that it was a heavily plot driven game. And, I'm sure you've noticed, there's been...almost nothing. There are a lot of reasons for this, some I'll get into later.

What happened is that 'Card and I have some very big plot ideas in store, but we felt there just weren't that many characters. How do we fix this?

After I get the new application form up and working, Character limits will be as follows:

Fandom characters: 16 for each player
Original Characters: 2 for each player (but only after 1 fandom characters)

So please, keep that in mind. You each know your own character limit, so don't take on more than you can handle D:

Once there are enough ACTIVE characters, we'll start moving the plot. So keep that in mind.

I hate to say it, but it's got to be done. The list of currently inactive journals:

Sora key2urhearts
Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing sir-iron-maiden
Auron im-really-drunk
Greed ultimategreed
Martel armysnake
Zelman Clock firegodsflame
Guni anurbanfairy

If you don't want your characters kicked for inactivity, GET ACTIVE. wtf my character too DX

This is another part of the reason why we haven't moved any plot: INACTIVE CHARACTERS. We understand this game isn't as big as others out there and we have an INCREDIBLY small group of players, but this game will not grow if new people don't see things being active.

That's another reason why we're moving character posts to the main community: in hopes of getting characters more active. So, while we're trying to work and make this game better for you guys, try to meet us halfway and help us out, yeah? D:

It's not looking like Event Days are all too popular with you guys, but then again, it may just be the fact that it's inactive right now. NEVERTHELESS, there WILL be more event days, and we've already got one planned out for April. It's a surprise ;)

However, I need to know some things:

  • What is a good three or four days that would be good for you guys? I don't want to have event days where not everyone can participate.
  • I really REALLY need help coming up with new ones. I want to use new ideas that other games haven't used before. We'll consider any idea you guys have, so help us out. ♥
  • There's really not any need for a monthly calendar to be posted every month, but we'll still be giving announcements at the beginning of each month to let you guys know when and what the event day will be.

Guys, don't forget. The Rahkshi (sonsofmakuta) ARE out there watching everyone. They're the DiaCorps eyes and ears in all this madness. Your characters can see them, touch them, try to fight them if they want to. (Though, they probably won't get too far) The Rahkshi have small video cameras strapped to their heads/backs to record any and all activity DiaCorps thinks is interesting.

So, seriously, try to interact with them! If anything, they're really fun to play "Whack-a-Rahkshi" with. ♥

As you probably realized, there are only two moderators here at trans-lantic.

Myself (impression) who came up with the concept of the game, and 'Card (thanatos01) who helps me keep an eye on applications and things like that.

But, we both work practically full-time and have some problems at home, so if you'd like to help us out, please PLEASE go look at filling out a moderator application. We could really use the help. Whether it's making announcement posts, keeping up with behind-the-scenes stuff (like applications, databases, etc), or just keeping an eye on the players and activity, it would be so much help. We'd really appreciate it, guys.

....Yep, I think that's about everything for now. HAPPY PLAYING, GUYS.

I'll see you in the next mod post April 1st. ♥

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