Hullo, hullo

Jan 08, 2010 18:07

 Investigations of an Internet Junkie in Her Native Habitat, or, How to Work This Goddamn Friending Thing

If you’d like me to friend you, just leave a comment here and tell me which filters you want me to put you on (unless you only want to be on the default one). You don’t have to tell me anything too elaborate; it might be nice to know how you stumbled across my little corner of cyberspace or what you’re interested in, but basically I want to know that a) you’re not a spam robot or b) some kind of stalker (who I don’t enjoy being stalked by, that is).

I clean up my flist every now and then because I’m a neat freak. If you don’t post for a bazillion years I’ll probably take you off unless I want to keep on there so I can nudge you. Just comment to be re-added, no biggie.

If I’m not updating often, I don’t use filters. These are mainly for if I start to get high traffic.


What I’m posting to my whole flist. This includes any important updates about me, filesharing (music, etc.), and picspams of ME (not celebrities). Of course since this will be to the whole flist, I’ll put as much as I can behind cuts.

1) Day-to-day/Real Life
Entries about what I’ve done during the day, school, work, my friends.

2) Food, or, The Ramblings of a Nutty Vegan with Raw Inclinations
Recipes, pictures of meals, raving about food, vegan/vegetarian/raw food philosophizing, etc.

3) My Emotional State
Where I’ll probably talk about attachment, fears, hopes, triggers, my emotional journey on the path to motorcycle maintenance. (Or maybe enlightenment. Whichever comes first.)

4) Lizards/etc.
Includes raving about how cute my lizards (and possibly tarantula and cockroach) are, stories about cute things they’ve done, and picspams of them. Also potential to rave about other lizards and reptiles I come across in my travels.

5) Eco and Spiritual Fun
Ecological issues, articles, rants, gardening, farming, permaculture, etc. Also things like astrology, past lives, power animals, as well as things like morphogenetic fields and the nature of life/reality/my elbows.

6) Sexual(ity) Issues
I can be pretty damn explicit and really honest about my own sexuality in a way that I know not everyone’s comfortable with. I’m also very passionate about sexual issues and have been known to go on about those for awhile.

Think I should make another filter? Just leave a comment and let me know. I’m always down for more organizing. :)

Also: if I took you off my friends list, it’s nothing personal, but occasionally I take polls asking who does and doesn’t want to remain friended on this journal, and if you don’t answer, I assume that you wanted to be taken off. And sometimes I take off journals that fossilize from disuse. But if you leave a comment and I’ll be more than happy to add you back :)

Some posts I make I go back and make public if I can; I would actually prefer to have a completely public journal, but just because of the nature of what I post sometimes, it’s not possible.


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