Nov 29, 2010 22:05
[Locked to Lash, Andy, and Katara]
Are you all okay? I'm coming up to check on things and present myself to our guests. We don't have much time to chat, but I'll listen if there's anything important we need to know about what happened down there.
[Locked to Engineering]
I'm going to stand with the other department heads to greet our new guests. Any of you are welcome to come, of course, but I don't expect everyone will want to go. I'm armed, and I don't expect anything will happen to me, but should I perish, be kidnapped, or otherwise incapacitated, I prefer that Kaylee and Angie take the helm. If the Captain or acting Captain designates someone else, listen to them, but I trust you two to inform the others the most.
Thank you.
!attention: engineers,
billy cranston