A friendly warning (Closed)

Dec 11, 2011 18:13

They were hot on the trail of the Doctor's body. Or at least, River suspected they were. Judging from the trail of flower petals they'd followed from the TARDIS in the general direction of the city. Something or someone had obviously stolen the Doctor's body and planted his mind or 'soul' for lack of a better word in her body. She wasn't quite sure why she'd been chosen to house his soul, but here they were. Fumbling along at an uneven gait and would he please just stop trying to control her body! She's tired of nearly running into walls, tripping, and tumbling.

Yes this whole experience must seem amusing on some cosmic level. It's hardly amusing for her. Really, she suspects the Doctor is starting to ponder why River Song can contain him without her own head exploding. She doesn't even have the least bit of a head ache to show for the Doctor's soul being housed inside of her for the past few hours.

Still, they're trudging along, still in search of the Doctor's body.

the master, !plot: soulcatcher, river song, !location: the city, eleventh doctor

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