Oh hey, there's a book just laying in the hallway. Well he was getting pretty good at that whole 'reading' thing, so what better time than now to crack open a book?
Nokosi plopped down on the floor, crossed his legs and reached for the tome. The size and color looked incredibly familiar already, but once he felt the weight of the book in his hands, he knew why that was.
It was his fellow Overlord pal, Zetta!
The elf quickly flipped the book to its front to give his good, old friend a cheery greeting.
Huh. Maybe it required some sort of activation like other magical items, did.
Nokosi sat the Overlord in his lap and performed a series of tests that included, poking, prodding and buffing whatever that shiny gem on the cover was, speaking ridiculous phrases (which all of them included the words 'badass' and 'freaking') and forcefully trying to pry open the eyes and mouth on the cover with his fingers.
Nothing, nothing, FINGER IN THE EYE OWWWWW! The books' eyes snapped open.
But between the poke and the general fact that he was in fact looking up at the ceiling, all the blast of light did was scorch a patch directly above him.
"What the hell?!" the book said, flopping valiantly.
He raised his head to follow the beam of light and laughed at the blackened spot on the ceiling.
"Oh wow, that is just fantastic! Like what I imagine a Naaru firework would look like." The elf leaned forward and eyed the hopping book curiously. "You are well, then? Good! This is a terrible spot to sleep, though. You should try beneath the tables in the mess hall if you are that tired."
"Oh. Then you must have been meditating. I did not realize that demon-tomes meditated." He ignored that whole 'being assaulted' bit. Obviously Zetta was over-reacting.
"It is a good thing you woke up, though! I thought for a moment that I would have to bestow you with a kiss to awaken you, as is often written in the story books." He paused. That only worked with Princes, though. "I am not a prince but I have met one."
"Yeah. It's a good thing I did wake up. Murdering you would have probably done me absolutely no favors in the long run," Zetta said with a curious kind of calm. "Someone probably would have gotten pissed off."
"Not as many as you would think," he sniffed. "Besides, you should be glad that you are no longer in the halls with no way to get around. What if the wrong person had happened upon you? It would be unfortunate."
"The wrong person? What are you talking about." Zetta drew himself up to his full height proudly, the book's cover slightly curved as if he were puffing out his chest. "There's no one on this ship I fear."
Nokosi plopped down on the floor, crossed his legs and reached for the tome. The size and color looked incredibly familiar already, but once he felt the weight of the book in his hands, he knew why that was.
It was his fellow Overlord pal, Zetta!
The elf quickly flipped the book to its front to give his good, old friend a cheery greeting.
"Friend?" he called out, holding the book to his face.
Nokosi sat the Overlord in his lap and performed a series of tests that included, poking, prodding and buffing whatever that shiny gem on the cover was, speaking ridiculous phrases (which all of them included the words 'badass' and 'freaking') and forcefully trying to pry open the eyes and mouth on the cover with his fingers.
But between the poke and the general fact that he was in fact looking up at the ceiling, all the blast of light did was scorch a patch directly above him.
"What the hell?!" the book said, flopping valiantly.
"Oh wow, that is just fantastic! Like what I imagine a Naaru firework would look like." The elf leaned forward and eyed the hopping book curiously. "You are well, then? Good! This is a terrible spot to sleep, though. You should try beneath the tables in the mess hall if you are that tired."
Wait. Did books sleep?
Apparently he had no knowledge or awareness of his circumstances.
"It is a good thing you woke up, though! I thought for a moment that I would have to bestow you with a kiss to awaken you, as is often written in the story books." He paused. That only worked with Princes, though. "I am not a prince but I have met one."
Nokosi shrugged. "Close enough."
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