How did Applejack stand working so hard around the farm? Her secret was simple: combining work and play. She'd brought the same styl to Hydroponics, where she'd sectioned off a small patch of the ground to be a place for some of the animals to play. The grass was dug up and seeds were planted elsewhere, water was poured, and Applejack herself was
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"I was right! This is fun!
And their mud pit could be HUGE. Still, at the end of the day, Nima wouldn't trade her element for any other.
"What are you planting? Or are you making the mud for something?"
"I'm not planting today. It's a little playpen for our critters."
"What kind of animals? I'd love to see them. I have a herd of my own I take care of. They don't really get that excited about mud, though."
Applejack craned her neck searching for the little creatures. "Mostly I was thinking of the grub moles. They're the pink ones, they really like rollin' about. Reminded me of pigs, and pigs like mud, so I thought they might."
Aang's unlikely survival, and the sorrow of his living without their people, never fails to touch Nima's heart. She smiles fondly, thinking of the Avatar.
"When you say pigs, I think of sheep-pigs, piggopotomi, moo-sows. I guess you don't have those where you're from?"
Applejack stepped closer, thinking on the different types of animals she knew. "Uh...nope. Can't say I have. But we had just regular ol' sheep. And cows, they make a mooing noise."
"Many people think our animals are stranger versions of their 'regular' animals - which is funny, because those regular animals seem so strange to me. What's a unicorn?"
She sits back for a moment of thought. "Unicorns are ponies like us, 'cept they've got horns on their heads. They've all got different kinds of magic. Rarity can find and move gems, and Twilight can move anything. Princess Celestia can do even more than that."
She tries her best to keep her tone neutral. No need to scoff at all that fancypants magic.
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