How did Applejack stand working so hard around the farm? Her secret was simple: combining work and play. She'd brought the same styl to Hydroponics, where she'd sectioned off a small patch of the ground to be a place for some of the animals to play. The grass was dug up and seeds were planted elsewhere, water was poured, and Applejack herself was
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"Well hey there little fella. Come to test it out?" she teased.
She wasn't quite sure if the other creatures here would like it, but she was willing to try! And in her heart of hearts she enjoyed playing in the mud too.
Though Beastboy had no idea that this was actually productive, he thought they were just having a good time.
"I've never seen a happier pig! You sure like it, huh? I just hope everypony agrees."
Oh, if only she had a way to capture the moment.
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