Tavern log. Yep.

Oct 23, 2011 00:54

Most of the recently-awakened people had probably heard of the Drunken Dragon tavern within a few days of getting accustomed to the ship. Some had already visited it, and a few had probably even become regulars already.

As usual, the door was open, and Kang and his helpers were there, refilling drinks and being sociable.

The stage was free for anyone that wanted to share a story, sing a song, or play an instrument, and it was more than welcomed, for what's a tavern without some form of entertainment?

[OOC: If your character wants to speak to a tavern person in particular (Kang, Kaylee, Nima or Kali), just make a note of it in your tag. Threads here can pretty much cover any time from the most recent podpop to just after Happy Happy Fun World; backtagging is our friend in T9. :D

Newbies, please make sure to read the tavern link! It's got all the info on the setting, available drinks, etc.]

kali, ian chesterton, howard bassem, nima, aerith gainsborough, aya brea, kang, linsha majere, gaignun kukai jr./rubedo, ankh, aeryn sun, allenby beardsley, !location: drunken dragon, tobias, chell, !status: open, kaylee frye, jamie mccrimmon, elisa maza

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