Happy reunions [Closed]

Oct 02, 2011 21:07

It hadn't taken long for the transport tube to deposit the pair of them to the center of the city at the base of the spire that the transport tube made from floor to the ceiling far over head. The trip reminding him very much of the very same trip he had taken with Smoke not a few days past, though of course without the constant barrage of questions that came with a brass dragonlet, though of course he answered any and all questions Linsha had on the way as he took her to the train stop. Passing the multitude of different buildings once the train had arrived and gotten underway in the right direction.

That she was here, not just temporarily, but properly released, safe and sound filled him with utter relief and joy. After a short trip on the train he led her past the last bend in the river near where he had led Smoke previously, leading her just that little bit further until the walls of the palace came into view, the pair of them walking straight through the open gates and into the inner courtyard, the palace itself looking as it had last she'd likely seen it, apart from the lack any of the Guards that so regularly filled their assigned posts and filled the Barracks of the Palace, "Home again at last," He smiled warmly across to her as he opened the main door for her.

linsha majere, hogan bight/crucible, !location: governor's palace, !status: closed

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