In the aftermath of the battle at Lirath, Stacy had been severely damaged. Though she still eventually managed to build up enough power to resume course, she was obviously struggling, her pace far slower than normal. She could barely even manage to directly address those who needed to speak with her, instead allowing the more monotone voice of the
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But still. He was curious. He had to go look at them, and he supposed hanging around waiting for them to show up was an effective waste of time. Besides, the Daligig (from what he remembered, anyway) didn't look all that big or tou-
Oh my god what is that thing.
It was huge.
It was a lizard thing and it was huger than Kang, something was wrong about that.
Grif had actually been half considering giving these guys a piece of his mind, really, but the sight of the reptilian soldiers just kinda stomped down those ideas for the moment. He staaaaaaared.
He gave Grif an awkward little wave.
They seemed friendly, at least.
There was a giant, terrifying lizard guy waving at him.
Grif swallowed.
One of the other Kessek leaned into the first one's ear, whispering something, before he spoke up again.
"My comrade wishes me to tell you she admires the color of your armor. It is admirable for one so small to choose to fight wearing such a prominent and noticeable color in battle."
That was a she? He managed not to shift the OH GOD WHAT stare onto the second soldier.
"Thanks? It sort of depends on where you are I guess."
The obvious solution here was to ramble.
"I mean where I was stationed it was fine because it was like five million degrees in the shade and a lot of the ground was this color so it worked."
Grif was certainly small enough to be one, by Kessek standards.
The indignation helped, it was something other than fear.
"And it's not like I'm a career soldier or anything. I was drafted. So right now, technically I'm double drafted."
He folded his arms.
"You guys wanted this job?"
"As Force Commander Hukkar's Honor Guard, we are honored to continue serving in our roles as warriors."
He shrugged.
"Then I'm going to get a real job that doesn't suck. I mean this army thing might work for some people but I'm not one of those."
This was, of course, all relying on the universe successfully being saved. But he didn't quite want to dwell on that right at the moment.
Yes, this was something worth focusing on.
Grif wasn't really a fan of orange either, but he had to defend it on this point.
Kessek don't really assign gender to color. Pink is as manly as gunmetal to them.
"Actually it's got less color. Because white is not a color and pink has white in it."
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