Claustrophobia Times Ten Plus Meatship [open]

Jul 06, 2009 15:32

It doesn't take long at all for Yoshimi to become overwhelmed by the large crowd in the Obs Deck.  Frown lines etch themselves deeper and deeper into her face before she finally makes a break for it, spotting an exit across the room.  Rather hurriedly, she shoves through the groups of people, muttering apologies as she elbows and steps on people.   ( Read more... )

spider-man, bumblebee, yoshimi ito

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foursleeves July 7 2009, 03:14:59 UTC
After a rather perplexing scuffle with a giant snake woman Peter, dressed head-to-toe in what looks like black liquorice, also decides to slip out into the corridor.

"Hey, not so loud; walls have ears," he says as he crouches next to her in a squat that, while unflattering, appears completely natural too him, "And I'm not entirely sure that's just proverbially, either."

He pauses several moments and just when it seems like he really has nothing else to say, he adds, "Little overwhelming, huh?"


slainrobots July 7 2009, 03:27:56 UTC
Yoshimi twitches a bit violently when Crouches McBlack Suit speaks to her. Her eyes fly open, and she looks horrified with his random appearance for a long moment before she gets a hold on herself and relaxes. She sighs again. Really, she's been doing that far too much lately.

"Yeah, well, the walls kidnapped me. I'm a bit sore about that part," she mumbles, acting quite a lot like a moody four-year-old. She's too busy trying to figure out why this guy is wearing black licorice to care, though. It takes a bit for her to decide that it's his business and stop caring. The resemblance that it holds to licorice is distracting, though; it just looks so edible...

She nods feebly when he mentions the overwhelming situation. "Hold the little. It's been a while since something got to me this badly, though. I think I'm just too weirded out to function anymore."


foursleeves July 7 2009, 03:44:11 UTC
"Heck naw. It's the floors what abducted you. They're the real masterminds," he jokes, bristling slightly. He's seen some of the others look at him this way. One of them had pulled a gun and another had x-rayed him with their eyes. Admittedly, being the elephant in the room is his usual schtick, but he's still half expecting her to suddenly take a swing at him.

However, it at least has taught him something about dealing with new recruits with a decent amount of tact. Sort of. Maybe? Oh, who are we kidding, "I'd like to see what else you consider as freaky as a transdimensional ship made out of meat."


slainrobots July 7 2009, 04:02:55 UTC
At that, she almost giggled. Almost. Okay, fine, she laughed.

Her short outburst of laughter caught her by surprise, and she blinks like a scared puppy for a few seconds before shaking her head slightly and blaming it internally on the bizarreness of the situation. "Well then, I'll just have to give the floors a stern talking to and tell them to put me back where I came from, except that there's no way in Hell that that would work." She hesitates, looks at him pleadingly, hopefully. "Is there?"

She gives up quickly, because of course that wouldn't work, that would just be too easy and wonderful and Ganesha, I wouldn't have to worry about Chief! I could go home and feed him and he would meow at me with his little pink splotch and it would be all fine and dandy and then I would go out and kill some AI's and it would all go back to normal and I could pretend that this never - "I haven't ever really encountered freaky like this, unless you count that one deranged Class B construction AI that just wouldn't stay dead. That was ( ... )


stickyboots July 7 2009, 04:16:13 UTC
"Are you kidding?" he replies, lines appearing in the mask where he grins underneath, "I bet you'll walk all over them!"

He watches her blankly as she spiels, both internally and externally, before his brow furrows, "Wait... Your other leg?"


slainrobots July 7 2009, 04:22:35 UTC
She snorts. "You're horrible, you know that? Completely horrible." She shakes her heading, snickering under her breath. "Horrible," she mutters again, exhaling loudly. When she looks up, she's actually smiling a bit. The Apocalypse may or may not have occurred.

"My other leg," she repeats, nodding. "Not that the first one was got by robots. It was a medical procedure. The thing's a friggin' robot, and it's been that way since I was born." She hits her hand against her right shin, and if one listens hard enough, there is an odd pingy frequency to the sound it makes, almost metallic, but not.


stickyboots July 7 2009, 16:31:54 UTC
"That's me," he replies faux proudly, puffing out his chest, "The bad cop to Stacy's ambivalent cop."

Proportionate hearing of a Spider. The narration isn't entirely sure whether that's good or not. He does, however, hear the ever so slightly tinny noise her leg makes, "Gee, Heather Mills'd kill for one of those. Does it have wi-fi? Can you get Facebook?"


slainrobots July 7 2009, 16:42:31 UTC
"Mm," she says for lack of any other way to respond. She hasn't run into anyone this... peppy in a while. He's got spunk. She almost groans when he mentions Facebook, though. "God no. That would be horrific. Hilarious, but horrific." She also has to hold in another bout of laughter, and the momentarily entertains the thought that possibly, maybe, she's going insane.


stickyboots July 7 2009, 16:52:33 UTC
He rubs his chin with his thumb and index finger, "I suppose if it did they'd call it Legbook... Imagine the profile pictures."

"So, you're a superhero, huh?" an assumption he makes based on all the talk of robot slaying. It's not exactly an unusual subject to guys like him, "Can't be from my universe or we would've had a buddy movie team-up by now."


slainrobots July 7 2009, 17:51:15 UTC
Running a hand through her hair, Yoshimi can't help wondering how this guy manages to be consistently (and poorly) humorous. Trying not to laugh like an idiot is taking a lot of her energy, and the smile on her face feels entirely too unnatural. She chooses not to respond to the 'Legbook' comment ( ... )


foursleeves July 7 2009, 21:10:47 UTC
He blinks as she splurges, then waves a hand in front of her face and tuts to himself, "I think she crashed."

This is not the first time the Peter Parker name has been brought up, but it still catches him off guard. First it had been the li'l Hawkeye girl from the future, and that had been just as unnerving. Because, thankfully for this Peter, his identity is still a moderately close-guarded secret. He shifs his weight from one foot to the other.

"No, that would be ridiculous," he replies sardonically, "I mean, could you imagine Spider-Man running around here? Telling bad jokes and pissing off the powers that be? Nah-- nah, I'm Mother Teresa."


slainrobots July 7 2009, 21:40:46 UTC
Yoshimi twitches slightly as he waves a hand in front of her face. She hasn't ever done well with things close to her face. "Yeah... yeah, 'crashed' is a very good word for the way my brain is exploding right now. It's like... well, I just almost said something horrible about that one big catastrophe that involved the planes and the World Trade Center way back when in 2001 in my dimension, but I try really hard to avoid making fun of things like that, Holocaust included, so... offensiveness aside, I'm going to try really hard to stop freaking out and no, you are not Mother Teresa, you are Spiderman, or the eight-year-old inside my head might start crying." Really, though, the 'crazy' thing is fast becoming more believable ( ... )


stickyboots July 8 2009, 17:46:35 UTC
"... Can I take you back to New York when we get out of this? I know a certain newspaper that could use a more spider friendly editor. I mean, you'd have to grow a moustache and smoke at least five cigars a day. It's a filthy habit but it looks pretty evocative."


slainrobots July 8 2009, 19:15:24 UTC
She blinks. "If it's possible to drop people in dimensions other than the one they came from, then sure. At least I wouldn't have to put up with robots anymore... The moustache'll take a bit of work, though, what with the female-ness and the lack of facial hair... could I just wear a fedora instead? Cigars and a fedora sound better."


stickyboots July 8 2009, 19:50:16 UTC
"Don't fret, there are plenty of psychotic robots hellbent on world destruction to share around in our dimension too. Even the good robots are a little psychotic. Just a little. Compassionately psychotic?"

He ums-and-ahs for a few moments, then holds his fingers up in a square in front of his face.

"Yeah, okay. I can see you in a fedora. Can you do Humphrey Bogart?"


slainrobots July 8 2009, 20:31:31 UTC
She rolls her eyes. "Oh, glee. The psychotic ones are my favorites." Her sarcasm is not at all evident.

A smirk blossoms on her face, and she looks down at herself. "I'm eight inches too short to be Humphrey Bogart, but I'll try really hard." She then tries to imitate his pose on the movie poster for Casablanca that she's seen in the museum, imaginary gun-in-hand and all.


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