The crew had
retrieved the Tapestry without any real problems, but much of the information that had been revealed to them in the process weighed heavily on their minds.
The war would soon get bigger than any of them could ever imagine.
Still, there was work to be done. Namely, getting the Tapestry to where it needed to go. The whole affair with that
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But what she found was not what Daja expected. She gasped, marveling at all the strange shapes and lights. And was that - yes, the Tapestry wasn't made of thread. It was metal! Then why was it called a Tapestry? Maybe it was a reference to it's construction...if the metal was woven together...
She approached the Tapestry, reaching out with her magic to try and find out more about the mysterious artifact. What are you made of? she asked, her magic searching for answers. How were you constructed?
Apparently, it must have deigned to answer her question, as it seemed benign enough. In return, she was shown a quick series of images, each floating in the air before her.
Images of esoteric strands, similar to what she would view as magic. Somehow, she would instinctively understand that these were the threads of fate.
Images of those threads being drawn together, bound both in reality and their metaphysical existence.
Images of those threads being woven together, bound to a device, a metallic ring forged by skilled hands and imbued with powerful and strange energies.
And finally, and image of all these strands coming into focus with one another within this creation. This was how the Tapestry was born.
Are you magic? she asked next.
It was rather complicated.
But for now, she was curious to see what else the Tapestry had to teach us. Can you show us our threads? Our fate? she asked. What do you have to teach us?
It would give them what they needed, when they needed it. No more, no less.
How will we know, when we need to speak with you? she asked, wondering if there might be any signal, or if they would simply need to use their own judgement.
Unfortunately, ancient and powerful artifacts typically aren't known for being particularly clear in their instructions.
Wait. Learn.
It wouldn't hand them everything on a silver platter, after all.
But they were not here; only Daja. She would have to learn as much as she could on her own. If learning about the Tapestry itself was the key, then she would seek to find out as much as she could.
What do your lights mean? she asked, looking up at them.
And many more. More than it could show Daja even given all the time in the world. Each portion represented some aspect of reality. Some aspect of fate.
You have so much within you, don't you? she asked, her magical voice almost a whisper.
It was, after all, made to be so.
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