"Going where I list, my own master total and absolute" (Part 2 - Diplomacy, Tourism, and Processing)

Jun 18, 2011 19:47

The trip down was uneventful. The view was gorgeous when the viewing window shields were raised again when they were through the atmosphere, especially as they passed down to Megalopolis, the simply-named giant city that was this world's capital. To the Earthlings there, the continents of this world would look vastly familiar, but that didn't mean ( Read more... )

lash, howard bassem, rory williams, kang, ruffnut thorston, hana asakura, sakura haruno, gaignun kukai jr./rubedo, lord zedd, dustin brooks, dr mcninja, lex luthor, kanoe zouichi, kon-el, daniel jackson, hit girl, querl dox, nightwing, !location: planetside, ter'thelas, !plot: send in the clones, lord zetta

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Group 1 - Diplomatic Briefing - With Councilman Allin An [Saphie] galilee_npcs June 19 2011, 00:54:01 UTC
After the scanning and the splitting of the groups, it was time for the diplomatic briefing for those that were attending.

[ooc: Posting order: Allin, Brainiac 5, Daniel Jackson, Dr. McNinja, Ildraniath, Allin, Lex Luthor, Nightwing, Ter, Zetta, Allin, Brainiac 5, etc. If your character wouldn't say anything for their post, either let the next person know to go instead, or post with something like "Brainiac 5 sat there and simply listened."]


galilee_npcs June 20 2011, 02:32:18 UTC
They were brought via air shuttle to capital building, and a large, conference room with a clear roof. Snacks were provided and a full meal was promised later ( ... )


level12headache June 20 2011, 02:45:07 UTC
Querl had displayed great interest in the shuttle, and other constructions, but very little in his snacks or the aesthetics. The holoscreens were not terribly impressive but he took a moment to consider them before turning to Allin. "We have a wide array of talents and abilities, Councilor. I believe you will not be disappointed. Your society is noteworthy for its accomplishments. It would be a shame if it were to be disrupted."


hi_there_aliens June 20 2011, 06:59:30 UTC
Daniel politely declined the snack as well. As much as he appreciated the hospitality, he preferred to get straight to business this time. With some cultures, it could be taken as inexcusably rude, either as implying the food was offensive or the host unworthy, or rejecting the food that a tribe banded together to provide to guests. Daniel didn't think that was the case with this society. It felt more like a formality. He should be fine ( ... )


wantstobebatman June 21 2011, 03:44:56 UTC
Doc helps himself to something that looks like a sausage roll but tastes more like hotly seasoned beef wrapped in wet paper, soaking up the atmosphere, resisting the itching urge to just TOUCH things. Most of the others have probably been planetside on a world this high-tech before but the last time HE had an off ship mission he was dropped into a forest and ended up running for his life, hacking through underbrush and hauling people out of rivers.

A diplomatic meeting in a setting like this is just... cool.

Not so cool that he can't pay attention of course, just cool enough for him to SEEM like he's not paying attention.

"I have to admit I'm curious about what exactly could gum up the gears in a place that's run so smoothly for so long."


futureisclear June 21 2011, 04:18:06 UTC
Ildraniath chose to listen and observe at first. It would be better to see the crew in action and it would help her assess the situation without looking too much like a major player in this particular game.

Yet, at least.


1/2 galilee_npcs June 21 2011, 19:26:43 UTC
"Every citizen in our world is cared for, provided for. Everyone has enough to have whatever they desire. Our society itself, barring the attacks, is very stable, with low crime rate, skilled police forces, and a high rate of criminal rehabilitation. There is no political unrest, not because it's oppressed or because we limit freedom of speech like some backwards worlds do, but because our society is that idyllic to live in. It is only this one specific terrorist group that takes issue with how Galilean society is run: The CLF ( ... )


Re: 1/2 galilee_npcs June 21 2011, 19:30:06 UTC
"Since then, we've had random crops of clones infected by his radical thoughts and ideas, sometimes upwards of 3% of an entire batch. Some of these clones are so mentally damaged by their conflicting programming they merely kill themselves. Others, however, have found ways of hiding tracking of their caste marks. These clones have formed an underground resistance, the Clone Liberation Front, that has been performing horrific acts of terrorism against Galilean military and civilian targets, as you can see by the information provided on your individual holopads ( ... )


imperious_lex June 21 2011, 20:47:09 UTC
Lex managed to keep a straight face, and didn't even have a ghost of a smile. But one could guess at the bit of mirth he was feeling with this level of delicious irony. He didn't have time to enjoy it much, though. Knowing this crew, he figured someone was probably going to blow up in a fit of moral self-righteousness and completely sink the negotiations. So he decided to speak up first.

"I'm certain that none of us in this room can condone such indiscriminate violence. And many members of our crew have years of experience dealing in counter-terrorism, and could provide the highest level of training for your law enforcement officers.

"That being said, getting the approval of our leadership may prove to be... difficult on this matter." To say the least.


goddamnwingman June 21 2011, 21:17:28 UTC
"Very difficult ( ... )


seasindorei June 23 2011, 07:30:27 UTC
Ter'thelas steepled his fingers, one of his rather extravagant eyebrows arching as he listens to Dick and the others. How best to approacht his situation. Perhaps concilatory, attempting a compromise. Try to ingratiate their hosts. He smiled slightly.

"Now, now Grayson. I'm certain that our hosts mean no harm to our crewmates. Especially since they seem to relying so heavily on our coming to their aid." He looked towards Allin, his head tilting as his glowing eyes appraised their host.


i_am_the_bafo June 23 2011, 15:27:43 UTC
"So long as they're not killed or irreversibly damaged, whatever happens to them will end up stopping people on our ship from being killed or damaged," Zetta pointed out. "Needs of the many and... whatever. I forget how that goes."

After all, no one he particularly cared about being damaged in was in that group.

"If we need anything right now, it's specifics," the book continued on quite pleasantly (or as pleasantly as it was possible to be when you inherently sounded like a god lording it over the puny rest of the multiverse). "We want your medical stuff, you want our help. So, you tell us exactly what you want and what we get... uh, I'm assuming like almost all developed worlds, you've delved into the black Netherworld arts of contract law, so in written form would probably be best. Then we can start negotiating off its details."

Plus that allows them all sorts of fun adventures in technicalities and loopholes.


galilee_npcs June 23 2011, 15:41:25 UTC
"They'll be fine, of course," said Allin. "They're merely being processed. They're foreign clones, that means they have to be registered and assigned guardians to be able to travel through our society freely. Everything is being explained to them by my fellow Councilman as we speak, I assure you, and barring the one of them that's registered as having a genetic match among the sentients of your group, we'll even allow them freedom to choose who they want as their assigned guardian during their stay ( ... )


level12headache June 24 2011, 03:38:42 UTC
Querl pressed his hands together and waited for the others to stop talking before speaking in a calm, even tone. "I assure you, Councilor, there are many of us who are willing to help you in this matter. I wish, however, that you had informed us earlier. You have placed us in a difficult situation. We appreciate your concerns for the safety of our crew, however I fear they will take this as a personal affront. Councilor Kang will no doubt be angry. He and the others will have to be appeased. Understand that any actions he may take will be a reaction to cultural differences- one that could have been avoided had you told us your intentions. Please do not take it as a sign that we as a whole do not wish to assist you. I trust that you will return our crewmates to us as soon as possible so we may ensure that no further misunderstandings occur so as to avoid any unpleasant consequences that may irreparably damage our relationship ( ... )


hi_there_aliens June 24 2011, 04:36:25 UTC
Of course this wasn't going to be a milk run. What was he thinking? Having an entire society hinged on the fact that it needed clone labor, and decided it knew what a person was and wasn't was pretty troubling. Cloning was already a tricky enough ethical issue back home, and they hadn't even gotten anywhere near as advanced as the Galileans. The part where people were created just to be tools and nothing more bothered him. Obviously some people and some clones had a problem with it too, which put a damper in that 'our clones are happy, our clones are safe, this is utopia' spiel Allin was so fond of. Clones weren't the happy workers that Allin implied. And now some of their own was missing ( ... )


wantstobebatman June 24 2011, 04:53:27 UTC
Doc pressed himself back into his chair, jaw and fists clenched firmly, all but staring daggers across the room at Allin. He would have sincerely liked to ask where the hell these people got off manufacturing sentient beings just to put them to work as slave labor, what made them think that this crew would be willing to assist them in squashing the dissenters of said caste, but he supposed that that wouldn't be particularly diplomatic.

He also didn't particularly trust himself not to launch himself across the table at Allin if he didn't get a satisfactory answer, and he knew no answer that he was given could meet those criteria in the first place.

Sucking in a breath he crossed his arms, his tone unequivocably displeased but as polite and calm as he could manage all the same as he spoke.

"I agree with Doctor Jackson. I think we're going to need some time to confer among ourselves and get a first-hand look at how things are run here before we can agree on a course of action."


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