Bendytimed to after Melting Clock

Jun 11, 2011 00:08

Teyr only had two holidays. Understandable, given the fact that it was only a few years old, and draconians themselves hadn't even been around for five decades yet. They were still working on making their place in the world.

Well, they had been.

Kang was doing his best to not dwell on that thought as he walked through a recreation of one of the city's holidays. It was the Day of Hope, the anniversary of the day when his regiment had found and hatched the first females during the Summer of Chaos. The streets were packed with draconians of every type (children were very rare, and none looked older than a human two-year-old), as well as a few humans and even a dwarf or two. There were booths set up with food, alcohol, and crafts, as well as music being played; as new as draconians were, they did have many things unique just to them, and some of the more thoughtful ones used the opportunity to celebrate that fact.

There were areas that were set up for displays of athletics and martial abilities, and even a handful of booths with carnival-like games. One, run by a baaz, involved trying to launch a stuffed minotaur doll into dragon-shaped cups floating in a tub of water with a miniature catapult. The reward was a free flagon of hard cider. A kapak was profiting off of something that looked remarkably similar to a modern rope ladder game, though it was steeper and didn't have any padding on the ground.

Outside the city walls, there were several teams of draconians constructing trebuchets, each with a pile of pumpkins. The Corps of Engineers had gotten drunk the year before and decided to see who could make one that'd launch a pumpkin the highest and farthest, and all agreed that they needed to make it a yearly tradition. One of the teams was comprised solely of sivaks, and a particularly tall one, at just a few inches shy of nine feet, shouted orders.

He smiled, indulging in the memory, and sent a quick message to Eva. He didn't care if others showed up and decided to join in the celebration, but he had specifically invited her, once before.

[OOC: When I say rare, I mean like only about 100-110 children compared to at least 5,000 adults, and it's impossible to tell the sexes apart by sight unless you know what to look for. There's only 20 adult females anyways. Only sivaks can fly, and they don't really do much of that; auraks (gold scales) don't even have wings. They're also the most rare kind. Draconian heights range from 5' (baaz) to about 9' (sivaks), and the average height is about 7'.

This is a completely medieval setting, so if you're not sure about something, feel free to ask me. Also, if you are an attractive woman, you are going to get a few leers, and possibly comments from some of the draconians. Sorry, ladies. Anybody of a race that is not human, elven or dwarven is going to get some curious looks, too.

Infodump out of the way, it's open!]

dr mcninja, !location: sensoriums, cowabunga, kang, eva, fletcher tringham, gaignun kukai jr./rubedo, !status: open, jamie mccrimmon, hogan bight/crucible

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