Relaxation... [Open]

Jun 08, 2011 09:49

It had been quite awhile since Sasami's little game session with Reimi and while she did have a blast playing with her, she did feel embarrassed. She shouldn't of started crying over having that much fun. Wasn't that what Reimi, Aqua and Hoshi were saying? That she should have more fun, to be a kid before she loses that chance?

It was probably why, at the moment, Sasami had parked herself by the Kohaku River after switching out of the clothes she got from Rein - not wanting them to get dirty. Now sporting a simple t-shirt and a pair of shorts, she had dipped her bare feet in the water, then sat down and laid back, letting the feeling make her relax.

She let herself get lost in her thoughts, wanting to enjoy the fun she had even more but wonder where all her training could fit in. Maybe she didn't need to train anymore, or at the very least not as hard or intently.

She closed her eyes as she continued thinking, unaware of anyone who might sneak up on her.

sasami masaki jurai, !status: open, phillip, maridian, !location: kohaku river, allenby beardsley

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