It's Not April Fools? Someone Seems to Think So! [Open]

Jun 06, 2011 06:14

Time was still moving forward. Yet looking at Lash you could never guess that, as each day did not increase her age by one, but continued to slowly recede into the past, the body around the massive hair growing smaller each day. And with a younger age came a much greater degree of immaturity and a certain disregard for the rules, even if compared to some of the other children on board, she still had her wits and mind. Perhaps a little too smart for her age, it might be argued.

A very, very dangerous combination, then, when she realized how bored a single wunderkind was, and how many other people on the ship were not. Surely, she thought, they could be made to do things for her own amusement! Lash was the six year old wunderkind prodigy, she demanded to be entertained! Her backpack filled with many little trinkets she had gathered (perhaps stolen from where they should have been found) and she carefully inched around the ship in relative silence, waiting to spot a poor soul or two. Maybe even children her age! Tee hee, imagine how fun it would be to spray them with a water gun, or to glue their hands, or even tie their shoelaces together! At least she wasn't thinking about ways of blowing them up. They should be thankful for that.

Tiptoeing to the next person, she peered from her hiding spot...

[OOC - You want your character to get pranked? Simply reply here with where they were currently and how much pranking you're fine with. Lash is moving all around the ship and this can happen over the course of several days. Levels are gentle, medium, and cruel. There might be other characters involved in the pranking. Don't worry, Lash isn't never going to destroy anything important to your characters, just causing trouble and doing jokes a six year old would likely do. Levels are just for how much leeway we have. Feel free to just talk to her/scold her too!]

lash, dr mcninja, kanoe zouichi, !plot: melting clock, beastboy, !status: open, lord zedd, lord zetta

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