Going Round in Circles (Open)

Apr 04, 2011 21:45

The trains still automatically circled their track through the City, piloted by the software of the absent Rock Light. Anwei sat in a seat on the Warren Zevon, and watched the City go by. Grand Central Station, the Drunken Dragon, Temple Row - she hadn't visited those places. She had been waiting to see them with someone else.

Horanckk still was not here.

She had looked in the face of every person at the podpop, and none of them had recognized her. She had sat in the gloom in front of a computer, feverishly combing through every possible frequency and code that he might use to tell her he was here. But he wasn't. Maybe he never would be.


So she would go on, that was all. She would be happy, because there was nothing so stupid as being miserable when there were so many here who had lost more. There was food and water and shelter and meaningful work and people, beautiful people in all their varieties; what did she have to be unhappy about?

She let the wind of the train's passage ruffle her hair, smelled Stacy's air heavy with dust and damp, and measured her progress by the creeping shadows cast by the light of the not-sun. The train paused at its stations for five minutes, and then rolled on, tracks clicking under its wheels.

howard bassem, kanoe zouichi, roxanne ritchie, anwei ayles, !location: the city, chases-parked-cars

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