The rest of the crew assembled on the Observation Deck to meet the latest editions to their numbers. After the revelation that their worlds are gone, many of them are even more eager to see people they knew from home.
Several people are set up near the doors to provide the new people with omnicoms and comm rings. New crew-mates might see a
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Kaya was here, making sure she was dressed as she could, but had made a beeline straight for weapons and possessions, getting into some water tribe garb just so she could feel more like herself , and so if her friends were checking this pod pop, they would recognize her more easily. The girl in the water tribe guard would definitely be hard to miss. There was definitely a look of concentration here: Kaya was still gathering all those memories, of back then and on this ship. The Outsiders! Were they still all right? Were her friends ok?
Was Aang still here? They couldn’t have taken him away again, not for a third time. What about Sokka, her “not” brother now? What would they think, staring into the eyes of someone that would be nothing but a stranger to them? She was pretty sure they all were
It was a hard pill to swallow so soon. But at least, Aang could be spared the pain of all that happened between them. Even thinking about it now, the pain she caused her friend, her Sensei in some way, it hurt her deeply. Now he would have to wait for Katara, but once she came he would be happy again. She had always wanted that for him.
It just felt wrong to be doing all of this again, only now with her true memories. Everything seemed to be happening at once, and she just needed time to take all of this in. Right now though, she wanted to make sure her friends were all still here.
Beastboy was making the rounds trying to be Mr. Social, meeting and greeting, seeking out young heroes who might like the Outsiders. He hadn't spotted her yet but he was drawing close. Time to get your story straight Kaya
"You're here, you're still here!" She exclaimed. "How long has it been?"
...but wait. There was...
He sniffed once, twice. Underneath the smell of goop and a fresh plant suit there were familiar scents.
"Katara?" He turned to face her eyes lighting up. "YOUR BACK!!!" He hugged her back just as tightly. "Dude! It's only been like...two weeks!!!"
"Beastboy, how have you been? Are the Outsider's ok? Is Starfire all right? What's happened since I've been gone?"
"But, it looks like I was podded for a reason, Beastboy. As it turns out, I'm not Katara: my name is Kaya. I'm from the world Katara's from, and I was actually taught by her, which is why I have those strengths of hers. So...I'll have to let people know that, in case Katara actually ever DOES wake up."
It sounded weird, explaining this to Beastboy when even she was still reeling from the reveal. She did wonder of people would even look at her the same way.
"But wait. That can happen?!" He seemed utterly baffled, "So all that hanging out we did and stuff, was it like...your personality or Katara's? I-I mean not that it matters I still totally like you and all!" His blushed slightly "You're totally awesome no matter what your name is! I-I mean um..." He smacked himself in the head to get his words in line.
"Doesn't matter. You're still my friend." He finally spat out.
She cheeks glowed a little and she laughed. Same old awkward Beastboy! She had really missed him being around. She reached over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks. You have no idea how comforting it is to hear that. I know I'll get better in time, my mind is still reeling. But I'm really glad to see you again!"
"I-I'm glad to see you too." He grinned extra big, "So yeah, welcome to Stacy Kaya~" He winked, "I'd give you the tour but I get the feeling you pretty much know what's going on."
"Trust me, we don't need to waste introductions," Kaya said. "I've spent two years in this place, I think I know my way around. But how are the Outsider's doing?"
"That's horrible? Has anyone checked on Sasami? Were any of the Outsider's involved?"
"Do you knwo who else was involved?"
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