The Oyster Bar had been an iconic piece of both Grand Central Terminal and Manhattan - Rhiow had lost count of the number of times she'd slipped into the kitchen to beg quietly for a piece of tuna, or some of the shellfish the bar was named for.
Now, however, the usually crowded restaurant was silent. Rhiow sat one one of the tables just inside the door. Bizarrely, they were still set and covered like they would have been if the bar was expecting a day of business - white tablecloths, unlit candles in the center, napkin-wrapped silver. Rhiow's tail lashed side to side, sometimes landing in a wine glass.
She waited for the people she had
paged to arrive - if Iniss was going to convince certain members of the crew that he was abiding by the Council's ruling, he would need to be able to show some progress on the false body prospect. And that meant that actual progress would need to be made.
[Closed to Luis, Billy, Angie, Nanoha and Querl]