Feb 04, 2011 22:26
He avoided the Sensoriums unless he was meeting Sam. Not because he didn't like them, of course, they were fine. Interesting. If he'd trusted his mind not to play a nightmare for public viewing, he'd have likely been more interested.
But as it was, his mind was a trap, and he was only too aware of how dangerous his memories could be to him. Iniss would turn it into battle zones, recreate famous battles, just so he could see, or recreate the pool if he was feeling homesick and lonely. Tom tried to avoid changing it at all and let Sam control the settings.
Today Sam had been late, or he had been early. Either way, he was alone. Alone in something he could easily turn into a weapon of mass mental destruction.
He kept his eyes closed, laying on his back. Thinking very firmly of nothing but the grass under his back, the weight of old jeans on his legs, and the sun warming his face. Nothing else existed. Nothing but him and the empty field he had sprawled in.
!location: sensoriums,
sam winchester,
tom berenson,
!status: closed