The best way to describe Kai's state of mind right now was stir-crazy. Even on a ship as mind-bendingly huge as Stacy was, Kai knew there was only so much space. He knew there was only so far he could go in one direction. He knew there was no going back, and there was no one he knew in this place
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The assassin noted other coming his way, watching him through the visor of his mask with a calculating calmness. Running the inbuilt auspex scanner built into his spy mask over the other, interesting. Taking note of the metal detected by his scanner he continued on, closer and closer, if the other challenged him so be it.
Where he was going or what he was doing in those corridors one could only guess.
"What's with the mask?" His tone was terse, far from friendly.
"And what of your augmentations?" he added with the slightest turn of his head to glance sidelong, ready to move if the other proved trouble, it had been some time since he had put his skills to proper use.
"So you can tell," Kai said. Even with the gloves to hide his torn skin and the glasses to cover the coloboma, this person knew he'd been modified. The idea that he didn't have to hide the mods was taking a hell of a lot of getting used to. "You asking why I've got them, or what they do?" Because if it was the latter...he wouldn't mind demonstrating.
"Augmentations are rarely acquired for no reason," Jalith would reply in turn, he himself had a undergone a number of augmentations during his time especially since becoming a Vindicare. Perhaps a demonstration of Kai's own would not go astray.
As for why he had the mods....he shook his head. "You'd have to ask whoever did it," Kai replied. "They didn't bother telling me. ....if you want to know what they do, though, you might have more luck." A corner of his mouth pulled into a grin.
"Indeed, and what might that be?" Jalith replied easily if coldly as he half turned toward the other. Watching the other's half grin with the expressionless gaze of his spy mask.
He looked stronger than Kai. Kai knew that. But that didn't mean he couldn't fight this guy anyway. He'd get an idea of how far the difference was, and have a point to strive for in his training while he was here.
He ran his gaze over the other once more, the other did look capable enough, and he himself could use the practice, "Very well then,"
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