[OPEN] Peace On Earth and Goodwill Towards All Men

Dec 27, 2010 14:35

While he'd certainly noticed the Vatican plopped down in the middle of the City beforehand on his treks about the area, he hadn't actually found himself compelled- or at least, willing to go near it until now. He wasn't quite sure why, considering it'd been a while since he'd arrived here, but there were lingering thoughts on his mind lately that finally caused him to cave and approach the area.

He'd never actually been to Rome; he'd been just a mite busy for that when he'd gone down to the Earth the previous year, and besides that he couldn't say he was ever all that compelled by whatever good Catholic urges might have been taught into him those couple of years to do the whole pilgrimage deal. He'd had a pilgrimage of his own, and it sure didn't involve going to lay eyes on an old guy with a swank house.

Well, it did. But not That Guy.

Still, he couldn't deny he was at least somewhat affected by the sight of it, deeper he walked in and saw the extent of the damage the place had apparently suffered. "Man, look at this place. Some people just dunno the meanin' of sanctuary," he muttered darkly to himself, stepping over occasional cracks and rubble in the area. Considering, he supposed he couldn't say it was in all that bad shape- but it was just a bit of a shame. One could tell the place had seen better days.

He found himself wandering deeper and deeper into a structure that anyone who had ever opened a travel guide could tell was the inner sanctum of St. Peter's Basilica, and it was then that it occurred to him with much amusement why he'd found himself drawn here.

"I guess this place ain't gonna be holdin' a Christmas mass, this year, huh?" He called out to (apparently) no one in particular, hands on hips as the echo rang through the cavernous hall. Walking deeper in, he eventually plopped himself down in front of the altar in the center of the room, eyes becoming almost dreamily glazed over as he flopped onto his back and stared up at the high ceiling.

"If you could see this place.. The Church would seem like just a hole in the wall, huh...?

[ooc; oh my goodness Duo could you possibly be more tl;dr. Feel free to have tailed him into the Vatican if your character wouldn't have been there already, he'd probably be too navel-gazey to notice 8)]

!location: the vatican, eva, duo maxwell, !status: open

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