While Commander Rahk kept himself busy teaching the crew how to use their new GIA toys and working on the Ohm simulation, his two recruits were busy doing other things.
The rather unpleasant Revus was currently in Neuropathy, making good on his promise to do his best to work on Stacy's programming.
Unfortunately, this led to a rather unintelligible string of curses streaming from his workstation.
"Flething krell," he spat angrily, typing furiously at his holoscreen. "How this thing got so bletched, I'll never know. Even the tertiary subroutines are corrupted."
He continued grumbling audibly, muttering things children on some planet somewhere shouldn't be allowed to hear. He might seem completely and utterly unapproachable, but hey, you never know, right?
Ippli, on the other hand, seemed far more amicable at the moment.
He was in the Hydroponics deck currently, taking his free time to relax. At the moment, he was playing with several young
Skyyrk--having somehow managed to teach them to toss a ball back and forth with him--their mother watching closely nearby. He was quite visibly enjoying himself, and appeared to be rather comfortable around the odd little creatures.
Unlike his dour cohort, Ippli appeared much more approachable. Perhaps you could somehow manage to grab his attention long enough for a chat.
[ooc: be sure to note which one you're tagging in your tag]