Mission 01 - Recovery: Group 6

May 18, 2009 23:55

The final group, Mal, Prince, Blitzwing, Soundwave, Kaylee, and Elle went off in the direction of the sixth and final pod. They were very shortly out of the trees and underbrush, and there was something up ahead on the horizon.

Looked a bit like a civilization. But Stacy had said "no sentient life forms", hadn't she?

elle bishop, !location: planetside, malcolm reynolds, kaylee frye, soundwave, !plot: mission 01- recovery, blitzwing

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notamission May 19 2009, 04:08:34 UTC
For the moment Mal was not approaching this place any closer. He might be all for a good fight every once and a while, but the fact that the ship had said there weren't no folk living in these parts he was more than a little hesitant to approach it with the group. If Zoe and Jayne had been there he would have had no problem waltzing right on in to the place and poking about. This was a different story all together.

Casting the group a glance over his shoulder he tried not to frown. "Well we got a couple of options. Either we can go around, which may or may not be quite a right smart idea, or, we can go see what's up ahead and see if they might have seen the pod. Which... may or may not be quite a right smart idea either."


persian_ninja May 19 2009, 04:23:35 UTC
Did someone call for something stupid to be done?

"I can go on up ahead and check it out. I'm pretty good at getting myself out of trouble if there is any."


acid_dissonance May 19 2009, 04:50:33 UTC
Soundwave dropped his shoulders a bit, seeing the unusual architecture. He glanced at Mal, waiting a bit for some of his orders. Quietly, he offered. "I can send Laserbeak in for a view from the skies."

And the condor squawked, transforming to his avian mode from his electric guitar mode.


crazychanger May 19 2009, 08:06:33 UTC
Random cackled maniacally.
"Ve can fly, if you vant!" he offered, hopping from one foot to the other in excitement. The triplechanger appeared to be unusually energetic.


notamission May 19 2009, 14:21:31 UTC
Mal glanced from the Prince to the really large talking robots. If the group got within any closer range they might as well be dancing a jig while juggling dishes. They were gonna be seen if anyone was living there. And already havin' a crazy robot jumping about like that as well wasn't going to do them any good if folk were living there and not the sort to like strangers.

Nodding to Soundwave the Browncoat spoke again. "Best thing will be to get aerial recon so not to get on own pìgus sent to the hot place before we can get that pod." With a glance at the others he gave a slight wave of a hand toward whatever it was ahead of them. "See if he can get shots of whatever is in those structures and ways around them. We'll go from there."

"Kaylee- what's the scanner say in regard to where those possible buildin's are at and the pod?" His mechanic took to any kind of machine like a fish to water. If anyone could figure out how to use it it would be her.


anoldtrickster May 20 2009, 03:14:40 UTC
Wednesday's 'voice' comes over the comm rings.

«Be careful, everyone. The tracks I'm seeing suggest much larger creatures than I'd normally expect in this terrain. Certainly not normal wildlife.»


acid_dissonance May 20 2009, 05:18:14 UTC
It is certainly getting rather interesting. Soundwave nodded in light of the information transmitted through their commlinks, before waiting for any more orders from Mal. He had ordered Laserbeak to ready itself and wait for the signal as it positioned itself to face the skies.


anaturaltalent May 20 2009, 10:13:06 UTC
"Well, I dunno if I'm readin' this right," Kaylee says slowly, pursing her lips and making faces at the scanner. It's odd, doesn't read quite right in her head, but she's still getting the hang of it. "But if I am, pod should be smack in the middle, straight ahead."

She looks up at the signs of civilization. "Best be careful, Cap'n, if there are big things. I can't see anything on the scanner, but that don't mean much."


notamission May 20 2009, 10:17:51 UTC
Without hesitation, Mal unsnapped the strap holding his pistol in its holster in light of the whole 'not normal wildlife' message. It's just what he wouldn't want happen- some wild bèn tiānshēng de yìduī ròu animal making trouble for them. "All right.. y'all keep an extra eye open for.. anything.. that ain't normal-er for 'round here an' no strayin' from the group."

Looking back to Soundwave he nodded his head for Laserbeak to be sent off to investigate. "If that pod's in the city see if he can pinpoint where."


acid_dissonance May 20 2009, 13:22:13 UTC
Soundwave nodded and looked at his avian--before it suddenly swooped to the skies, squawking before slowly disappearing to the horizon where the said civilization is. And all they need to do is wait. He stood, watching over to where the condor disappeared to.


electricityjolt May 20 2009, 17:07:16 UTC
Elle appeared to have landed herself on Team Giant Robot. She watched them curiously before the report of oversized wildlife caught her attention.

Her giddy suggestion about space dinosaurs while they were landing was the first thing that popped into her head, but Elle acknowledged (with resignation) that most large animals tended to be more like giraffes than a T-Rex.


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