Mission 01 -- Recovery : Planetside: Split up and Fan Out

May 15, 2009 05:57

The door opens to a lush green place. They've landed in a forest glade of some kind. Deciduous in nature, but the leaves are somewhat odd in shape and very, very thick and tall. The grass is a green that's almost a blue ( Read more... )

malcolm reynolds, leon s. kennedy, dean winchester, brainiac 5, samus aran, dr mcninja, kate bishop, cale tucker, b5, paco, john-117, stature, spock, chaucer, nightwing, leela bricker, one-leaf-ear, elle bishop, !location: planetside, jean grey, !plot: mission 01- recovery, soundwave, the middleman, plays-in-traffic, billy cranston

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outweightheone May 15 2009, 12:58:13 UTC
Spock, being rather well acquainted with turbulence, survives the landing still on his feet. He unbraces himself from whatever he had clung to, and makes his way down the ramp, tricorder in one hand and phaser in the other.

"Atmospheric conditions are as our vessel stated previously, Captain." he calls to Picard, eyes glued to the tricorder, "It would appear that her sensors are in working order."


brainy_bot May 15 2009, 13:14:15 UTC
Brainiac 5 also survives the landing without losing his balance once, both due to familiarity with space travel and being equipped with a flight ring. He follows Spock out of the pod and swiftly morphs his arm into a scanner, apparently not wanting to be outdone in the scientific areas.

"He's right," he adds. "I don't detect anything unusual either."

Not that anyone asked him...


governmentninja May 15 2009, 16:17:27 UTC
Leon was a slight bit annoyed, but didn't show it as he exited the ship. He could understand the science team wanting to be anxious to exit the ship and study the world, but the security team should always take point whenever you're exiting to unknown territory. He might have to have a word with Captain about that at some point.

He had his gun drawn, and began to sweep the perimeter around the left side of the pod.


morphitudinous May 15 2009, 19:41:41 UTC
If any crew members heard a soft 'oof' followed by a careful scramble down the ramp, that was just the result of Billy's graceless landing. As drastically as martial arts training had improved his balance and reduced the frequency of his clumsy moments, his body still had a bit of adjusting to do to be completely comfortable with gravity shifts.

After scanning the area for immediate threats and finding none, Billy suddenly realized that he was standing on an inhabitable planet other than the Earth he knew. He'd known this was coming, of course, but actually experiencing a place that previously existed only in his childhood dreams of distant stars was sufficient to shock him into silence.

As his gaze shifted from the twin moons set against the vivid sky to the depth of the forest before them, an awed whisper escaped him. "Marvelous."


spartanjohn_117 May 15 2009, 21:47:16 UTC
The Chief shakes the landing off without trouble and is immediately on the jump. Compared to the last mission he was on, circumstances aside, he feels excellent. He's suited up and entirely uninjured, and it has been a while since that was true.

He hops down out of the pod and so leaves the field of Stacy's control. The shield generator on his back whines softly as it starts charging up, the shields flicker in and out of visibility for a moment. He runs a diagnostic on the armor almost immediately even as he scans the area for movement, sweeping with rifle in hand. He's careful with his movements at first, readjusting to how little effort it takes him to move. Everything seems to be operational and as he remembers it. This is good.

"No contacts detected," he says, after a quick initial sweep. He'll be keeping an eye out though, it's a strange planet.


godimgood May 15 2009, 22:00:15 UTC
Chaucer wasn't ready to let go of the ship yet. He really, really wasn't.He wasn't even sure that he would ever be ready to let go.

Though he did risk reaching out to snap up one of those armband things. They sounded important.

But then he was back to clinging, face pressed against the side.

Stacy wasn't trustworthy anymore. She might move them just as he was letting go. And right now, that fear was entirely circumventing Chaucer's natural curiosity.


playsin_traffic May 15 2009, 22:33:36 UTC
Tony slips on one of the armbands, looking a bit shaky as he staggers down the ramp. Yeah, one hell of a landing.... He coughs, stretches himself out, swallows down the puke that threatens to come out and breathes.

"Alright. Let's do this..."

He concentrates and his body shifts, limbs shrinking, fur sprouting. A few moments later, there's a rather mangy looking wolf in his place, which yips out, "I think I'll be a bit more mobile like this."

His backpack, by the way, seems to have vanished.


spartanjohn_117 May 15 2009, 22:44:51 UTC
The Chief eyes Tony as he shifts, the movement naturally catching the Spartan's attention. It's the first time he's seen a werewolf go through as wide a transformation as that, the most he's seen from Leaf or Bella is Crinos down.

"What do you smell?" he asks. It's intel he doesn't have and can't get with the armor, and he'll take whatever he can.


gogopowersuit May 15 2009, 23:00:16 UTC
Samus was relatively unfazed by the landing; she'd experienced much worse. She followed the crew off the ship without saying a word, of course.

She watched Tony carefully after he'd transformed. While she's seen full body transformations before (it was a specialty of one of her former colleagues), she wasn't aware that any of the ship's residents had that ability.


compromise_wolf May 15 2009, 23:20:58 UTC
It took One-Leaf-Ear a moment before she was willing to release her claws from where she was clinging. Still in hispo, she staggered down the ramp and looked around, splaying her ears. "I believe I should eat some grass," she mutters. "I feel ill."


governmentninja May 15 2009, 23:32:40 UTC
"You shouldn't go chewing on anything until the science team has checked it out first." Not that he wasn't sympathetic, but they still had no idea what was poisonous, what would cause a rash, and what was perfectly fine.

He took out his binoculars, and took a wider look around.

"Not spotting any movement in the distance."


playsin_traffic May 15 2009, 23:53:14 UTC
Plays sniffs the air tentatively, "...smells like the outdoors. Some animals. Nothing special."


spartanjohn_117 May 15 2009, 23:56:22 UTC
"Good," the Chief says, nodding once. "Then the area seems secure. Anybody notices anything, speak up."

He quietly reminds himself that he shouldn't be so surprised. This isn't enemy territory. Hell, this isn't even a war. Nobody's expecting them, and the worst they probably have to deal with is whatever lives down here. And Stacy said it was non-sentient.

He hopes that she's not proven wrong.


nothawkingbird May 15 2009, 23:59:34 UTC
Kate glanced at Plays wolf form with interest. It's a little different from what she was used to home, but not strange really.

She then asked, her bow ready to come up in a moment's notice, "So how we doing this? Everybody take a region?"


flunkingspanish May 16 2009, 00:16:27 UTC
"I'm thinking groups," Paco said, still looking a little queasy. "If we all wander off by ourselves, we're going to get eaten by cult-squirrels or something. How many escape pods did she say there were, six?"

Screw suggestions, next time, he was going to float until gravity kicked in. Clinging to the wall during turbulence sucked.


cityship May 16 2009, 00:30:24 UTC
The scanners all laid out on a shelf near the door, that they grabbed on their way out may be able to help out.

Six blips. In six different directions. The pod landed right in the middle of all of them.


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