Bleary-eyed toil brought results, and there was a cure for ROM-199A. Now the problem came with administering it.
Down in the city, the makeshift strike team wielded
modified tranquilizer rifles and each of them had 12 cure rounds to use. The infected needed to be struck solidly in order for the cure to be injected-- they were instructed to aim for the chest, though a shot in the arm or leg that hit and stuck would work as well.
It's like paintball, except with deadly pathogens!
Meanwhile, up in Quarantine, those who didn't feel comfortable with shooting their crewmates in the face chest and lower extremities were charged with curing those who had already been subdued and contained.
That was more like tag than paintball, except with deadly pathogens, of course.
(ooc: If you signed up
here or
here, fire away. If you want to participate but didn't sign up, fire away. If you're infected, tag in to your victim of choice and tear those jerks apart before they shoot you in the face chest and lower extremities! THROW-DOWN! Remember, give the newbs and less plot-fortunate first shot. HAVE FUN.)