Engineering will never be the same...

Oct 04, 2010 18:54

Omnicomm in hand with the map file displayed - the one that Alex had given him - Wheeljack made his way through the halls of the alien ship he'd found himself on only cycles ago.  Once in a while, he'd reach out to brush cool, pliable-metal fingers over the stone-plastic-something surface of the wall as he went, still in awe of this reportedly living, organic, sentient ship.

And in shock at everything he'd learned . . . but he resolutely was pushing that from his mind right now.

Right now, he was looking for the Engineering Department - a natural environment for him, to be sure, but more pointedly, he was heading to meet someone. Someone named Alex.

It occurred to the Autobot engineer that he had no idea what Alex looked like, nor even what race he was.  Guess I shoulda asked, huh.  Well . . . nothin' for it now, I guess.  Besides, how big can Engineerin' be?  Gotta be someone in there who answers ta the right name.

Reaching the top level of the ship, he came to an area marked "Engineering Core" and paused, outright staring for a moment.  Wheeljack was a brilliant engineer and top-notch physical scientist - the best the Autobots had to offer - but he took in the buzzing equipment and organic workstations with a sensation like degrading fuel in his tanks.

Whoa.  Um . . . I-I may be just a little outta my league here, I think.  Talk about a learnin' curve!

Well . . . if he had to start over again, then he supposed that was just what he'd have to do.  But first thing's first.  Squaring his shoulder struts, he strode into the room.  "Hello, anybody home?  Alex?"

!location: engineering, alex furest, wheeljack

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