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Detailed Briefing - Materials cityship May 13 2009, 02:27:08 UTC
||For the mission, tracking devices, to track the locations of the escape pods, will be provided. Power suits will be provided and unlocked, though they will be returned--by force, if necessary--upon the completion of the mission. A Medkit for each recovery team will be provided.||


Re: Detailed Briefing - Materials spartanjohn_117 May 13 2009, 02:34:58 UTC
If the Chief were much for outwardly expressing his emotions, he'd punch the air in triumph. Well, not a huge triumph. He still has to give his suit back at the end, but at least this confirms it's on the boat.

He'll be watching carefully for anything that might give him a hint as to what Stacy's done with it, too.

"Stacy: Have you in any way modified my armor?" he asks her seriously. This is a big concern. He probably won't trust whatever she says anyway, but he'll ask.


Re: Detailed Briefing - Materials cityship May 13 2009, 02:35:54 UTC

It may or may not be a lie.


Re: Detailed Briefing - Materials gogopowersuit May 13 2009, 02:43:17 UTC
Upon hearing Stacy's first little announcement, she was relieved. The scanners could prove useful, and of course Samus always appreciated extra firepower. Plus, going down onto this unknown planet, trekking through the depths of forests, it sort of sounded like a typical mission for her. It wouldn't feel right going down without her suit.

Chief's question caught her attention, so she discreetly walked over to him. She wanted to let him on something.

"Most of my powerups were gone when I got my suit back the first time. I wouldn't trust anything she says about yours."


Re: Detailed Briefing - Materials spartanjohn_117 May 13 2009, 02:45:27 UTC
"Powerups?" he asks. The word has no meaning to the Chief.


Re: Detailed Briefing - Materials gogopowersuit May 13 2009, 02:48:33 UTC
She explained, "Suit upgrades. Advancements. Extra weaponry or functions. My suit was missing most of them when I finally got to use it again. Either she or someone else messed with it."


Re: Detailed Briefing - Materials spartanjohn_117 May 13 2009, 03:00:25 UTC
"If she didn't touch it, mine should be fine. Systems are heavily integrated, trying to remove them would ruin the suit. She might be able to jam some helmet functions, but I plan on checking."

It doesn't matter to him whether Stacy hears this or not, she probably already knows.


Re: Detailed Briefing - Materials gogopowersuit May 13 2009, 03:12:56 UTC
Samus sort of wished her suit didn't have such easily removed powerups. Maybe then she would go through multiple suits for each mission, it was really quite inefficient...

She nods, "I doubt she'd do anything drastic, anyway. Just a warning."


Re: Detailed Briefing - Materials playsin_traffic May 13 2009, 03:16:19 UTC
"Dude, I get to work alongside Master Chief. In his fuckin' armor. Awesome."


Re: Detailed Briefing - Materials flunkingspanish May 13 2009, 06:19:38 UTC
"All kinds of awesome," Paco agreed. "If there's one thing that doesn't suck about this ship -- and I'm pretty sure there's only one thing -- it's the other people on board."

He glanced over at Kate. At least she had some of her friends from home out of the goo with her now. That was good. He sure as hell wasn't looking forward to leaving Brenda and Jaime on the ship.


morphitudinous May 13 2009, 02:49:02 UTC
"How do these devices operate?" First things first---Billy wants to make sure they're not going to run into any equipment failures on the run. Hostile environments, he's found, don't tend to lend themselves to proper experimentation.

Billy's eyebrow quirks a little at that last item. So Stacy's hoarding power suits and 'loaning them out' at her discretion. He doesn't particularly like that, but...wait, does that include...?

"Power suits? Are these suits of your own fashioning customized for the planet's environment, or items that originally belonged to crew members?" Like little silver belt buckles that he'd have some difficulty carrying due to no longer having a belt, for instance? Sound familiar?


cityship May 13 2009, 02:59:23 UTC
||They are organic in nature. They will show a screen with a tracking beacon.||

The scanners that is. That means if they "break," they just died.

||The suits are items that originally belonged to crew members. Such as your morphing device.||


morphitudinous May 13 2009, 03:57:29 UTC
"Understood." He's visualizing how they might work now. Simple enough, right? But this whole 'organic technology' thing is still somewhat foreign, so he'll take caution.

Immediately upon hearing 'morphing device', Billy's eyes flick down to his empty palm. He can almost picture the familiar silver and black device staring up at him, prepared to infuse him with electric energy and clad him in the power armor at a moment's notice. Already his muscles ache, longing to reconnect with the Power he'd subconsciously counted on for so long. He wishes Stacy would allow him to keep the morpher permanently, but for now he'll take what he can get without being slammed into walls by tentacles.


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