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Detailed Briefing cityship May 11 2009, 05:58:06 UTC
||Full crew is now gathered for briefing. Briefing will commence.||


Detailed Briefing - Mission Roster cityship May 11 2009, 06:57:18 UTC
||Earth-534A342Z is a dimensional variant of Earth. It's sun, Sol, however, is a red dwarf star. For this reason, the Kryptonians have been excluded from the mission ( ... )


Re: Detailed Briefing - Mission Roster cutintomyheart May 11 2009, 07:00:29 UTC
Chris clears his throat a little, before asking, weakly-

"Stacy, um, I have a question, what's the biosphere like? Are people going to have to worry about diseases? If the sun's a red dwarf, that would seem like native life'd have had a very long time to evolve..." It's already struck him that something bizarre is going on on the ship, or Geoff would have died of about a thousand different modern-day household plagues by now...

He looks around at the others, particularly the folks picked to go on the mission, with a 'good question right???' expression.


Detailed Briefing - Disease Query cityship May 11 2009, 07:00:46 UTC
||The crew has been inoculated against a significant number of detected xenobiological threats.||


Re: Detailed Briefing - Disease Query ford_sawyer_815 May 11 2009, 07:13:37 UTC
"I already left this place once," Sawyer said. He was visibly annoyed. When isn't he? "And you hauled my @$$ back here just to tell me I had to leave anyway?"


cityship May 11 2009, 07:15:20 UTC
||You must receive the briefing.||


nothawkingbird May 11 2009, 10:26:18 UTC
Wry smile toward Sawyer, "Want us to bring a souvenir?"

Kate added, "Still like to know more what's down there. It's not something like dinosaur planet is it?"


ford_sawyer_815 May 11 2009, 22:09:52 UTC
"Yeah," Sawyer nodded to Kate. "Ya find any jockey shorts down there that aren't made of poison ivy, pick me up a couple of packs."


nothawkingbird May 11 2009, 23:21:42 UTC
"Sure, should I be starting a shopping list?" She smirked some more.


Re: Detailed Briefing - Mission Roster brainy_bot May 11 2009, 09:24:50 UTC
Brainiac 5 Robotic Variant nods and shoots a superior look at his counterpart.

"It would appear that the ship has made an accurate decision in this instance. My skills would be more suited to this mission, I believe."

Unfortunately that means he can't spend time in the labs going through other Brainy's stuff working on important projects, but he supposes that will happen in due time.


Re: Detailed Briefing - Mission Roster _man_of_steel_ May 11 2009, 14:12:51 UTC
"I would really appreciate it if the both of you would stop the game of one-upsmanship." Superman said. "My world has four different Green Lanterns and two Flash's that work side by side without feeling the need to compare the size of their...contributions" Superman said. "It's...not what a hero does."

Yes, he was irritated, and yes he went there.


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Re: Detailed Briefing - Mission Roster brainy_bot May 12 2009, 05:21:25 UTC
His face falls instantly and he glances away. "I am sorry, Superman. I'll try to be less..." He winces slightly but there's no avoiding it. "...petty ( ... )


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Re: Detailed Briefing - Mission Roster brainy_bot May 12 2009, 05:58:07 UTC
The smile becomes more genuine at the offer. "I would be interested in hearing more about your version of C.O.M.P.U.T.O. and the Legion. Both sound fascinatingly different."

There's a moment more of hesitation, then he offers his hand in truce. "Perhaps having a challenge will also result in betterment for the crew as well as intellectual stimulation."


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