After playtime, Woody sat up, and adjusted his hat, looking...well, happy. It'd been years since Andy had played with his toys, and he'd only just recently been introduced to Bonnie.
As far as playtime was concerned, he was a little rusty, but it turned out he was just as good at...well, sitting there, uh, inanimately as ever.
It was nice to be loved. And it was especially nice to see a child like Komali so full of joy. That he'd never had a toy to play with before was a crying shame, and it was just good to see the bird-like boy so happy.
But playtime was over, and that meant Woody had free reign over the room. It also meant he had some time to make a run for it and get some things done. He had a few things to do, like dragging out an omnicomm from its hiding place and giving it back to who it belonged to. (And stealing one that belonged to nobody). And of course, it was back to the Weapons locker to search for his friends. It was something he did whenever he could sneak out to look.
"Time to roll up yours sleeves and get to work, cowboy," he muttered to himself as he got the door to swish open by touching it.
It was indeed a busy day. The hard part was moving through the halls unseen. Every time someone walked by, he had to tuck himself in a corner or drop down inanimate.
Which is how Woody found himself flopped down in a hallway, pretending to not be able to move, as footsteps approached, praying the person would miss him or just pass him by.