Spoilers, Doctor... [Closed]

Jul 12, 2010 13:33

There was a far overdue meeting in order.

Luckily for the Doctor it seemed that the Observation Deck was relatively empty at this time, for there were multiple practices and other such matters that the rest of the crew was attending to. Not that he wouldn’t have enjoyed the company during his wait, or at all; on a good day he might overhear a fair number of personal stories, fascinating snippets of crewmembers’ lives that could be rearranged and put together to form an elaborate collage of relationships and talents, all useful, all at least mildly intriguing and worth the memory that they used. But then again, these quiet reprieves could be harnessed to create these woven fabrics and potential strategies-and there was always the anticipation of getting to know a bit about his own future.

This was what happened to be going through the Doctor’s mind as he paced about the back wall, peering expectantly through the giant windows and staring into the Void as if he pondered jumping in himself. For several ponderous moments he leaned sharply forward, hands clasped behind his back, hovering in front of the clear membrane; then his nose pressed against it, he blinked at the curious texture and abruptly straightened, spinning on his heel to investigate something else slightly more responsive. Ooh-like that interesting little device that someone from Engineering must’ve left behind! Perhaps we’ll know what it does if we give it a good poke!...

!location: obs deck, fifth doctor, jenny, !status: closed

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