Jul 02, 2010 19:48
A crashing of wood and metal resounded as the patches Tsukasa had used to cover the holes in the Hikari Studio's roof fell apart, their contents spilling into the small photo studio/home. He sighed, since this was not the first time this had happened since he had gotten back aboard. "This is such a pain...why aren't these things staying on?!" He yelled,throwing his hammer at the ground.
He slid toward the ladder, and climbed down toward the ground. "A break will do me some good." He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. He went over to lean against his motorcycle and assess the repairs he had actually finished to the Hikari Studio. It...wasn't much. The door still hung off its hinges, and there was a large hole in the outward-facing wall.
tsukasa kadoya,
!status: open,
!location: the hikari studio