Thrill Ride [Open]

May 09, 2010 23:37

Today was different. Today wasn't about exploring the ship, keeping in shape, or trying to learn more about the Ohm. No, today was about indulging in one of her favorite pastimes - racing through the canyons outside Crevasse City on her classic JR-4 swoop. The fate of Alderaan and the upcoming battle against the Ohm had been weighing heavily on Reyna of late, and she felt in dire need of a distraction.

So it was that she found herself in one of the Sensoriums using her memories of home to conjure up the appropriate terrain, her swoop, and an attractive racing outfit to temporarily replace her plantsuit. Once everything was ready Reyna pulled on her helmet and mounted the swoop. She revved the engine a few times to get a feel for the controls, grinning as it all came flooding back to her, then sealed the helmet's visor and took off at breakneck speed for the nearest canyon.

Her heart pounding with excitement and adrenaline surging in her veins, Reyna weaved her way in and out of each gorge and ravine, climbing and diving and twisting and turning with reckless abandon. The knowledge that she was in no actual danger of getting hurt was lost in the thrill of the ride, and the feeling of flirting with disaster only heightened Reyna's enjoyment of it. She came bursting out of one particularly deep canyon at the last second, whooping with joy at the narrowly averted crash.

She ended her run with a quick dash across a nearby lake before circling back to her starting point at a leisurely pace. Leaving the swoop idling beneath her, Reyna took off her helmet and tucked it under her arm, laughing and smiling as she shook her short brown hair away from her face.

[OOC: All are welcome! Feel free to join Reyna for a wild ride on her swoop, race against her, just hang out and chat, etc. Basically whatever sounds like fun that you can convince Reyna to participate in.]

celena vantari, !location: sensoriums, reyna kam, !status: open, ba'al

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